Newsletter NRP 67 – 25.04.2019
NRP 67 “End of Life” has ended
The eight-year National Research Programme NRP 67 “End of Life” was concluded in March 2019.
The final publication of NRP 67 – Das Lebensende in der Schweiz - Individuelle und gesellschaftliche Perspektiven (“End of life in Switzerland: individual and societal perspectives”) – is now available.
Final publication (“End of life in Switzerland: individual and societal perspectives”) is available as a printed book or an open-access e-book.
White Paper on geriatric palliative care in French-speaking Switzerland
End-of-life care in French-speaking Switzerland was investigated in a dialogue-driven process involving a number of experts. The resulting White Paper, which discusses a number of specific improvements, emerged from a cooperation venture with Fondation Leenards. It is available in French and will be avaible in German by mid-May.
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